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Rice Chapati


500 gms rice
1 coconut
salt to taste

How to make rice chapati :
  • Clean, wash and soak he rice overnight.
  • Scrape the coconut.
  • Remove the rice and grind it along with scraped coconut and salt using very little water so that the dough is quite dry.
  • Divide the dough into equal portions.
  • Grease a banana leaf and spread a portion of the dough using two fingers to make a ¼ cm thick chapati.
  • Heat up a griddle (tava) and grease it slightly.
  • Gently take off the chapati from the leaf and put it on the hot tava.
  • Roast the chapati on both sides till lightly browned.
  • Serve hot with mutton or chicken curry. 

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