Spicy Indian Food - Delicious Indian Recipes.North Indian & South Indian delicacies.A collection of Indian food recipes


Masala Supari


125 gms chickai supari
4 tblsp poppy seeds (khuskhus)
1/4 tsp nutmeg powder
1 tblsp pot masala
8 - 10 cloves
1/2 cup coconut scraped
250 gms bhardi supari
8 - 10 green cardamoms
2 tblsp vegetable fat (ghee)
1 cup fennel seeds (saunf)

How to make masala supari :
  • Roast coconut, cardamoms, poppy seeds, cloves and aniseeds separately.
  • Grind cardamoms, poppy seeds, cloves and aniseed.
  • Break the supari into coarse pieces.
  • Heat up the ghee and stir fry the supari till golden.
  • Take off and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Cool and serve. 

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