Spicy Indian Food - Delicious Indian Recipes.North Indian & South Indian delicacies.A collection of Indian food recipes


Jaipuri Mewa Pulao


2 cups long grained white rice
2 cups sugar
1 cup ghee
l/2 cup chironji, coarsely ground
25 almonds, blanched, chopped
25 pistachios, chopped
1 tsp cardamom powder
1/4 tsp nutmeg powder
1/2 tsp saffron, soaked in 1 tsp milk
4 cups milk


  • Soak rice in water for 2 hours. Drain. Heat the ghee and add the drained rice. Add milk.
  • Cover and cook on a low fire stirring occasionally but gently so that the rice grains do not break.
  • As soon as the rice is cooked, add the cardamom and nutmeg powders, dry fruits, sugar and saffron.
  • Mix well. Bake in a moderately hot oven till each grain is separate. Serve jaipuri mewa pulao hot as a sweet dish. 

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